Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

In vitro production of bovine embryos: cumulus/granulosa cell gene expression patterns point to early atresia as beneficial for oocyte competence

Gianluca Mazzoni, Eduardo Razza, Hanne S. Pedersen, Jan Secher, Haja N. Kadarmideen, Henri Callesen, Lotte Stroebech, Kristine Freude, Poul Hyttel

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In vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos has become widespread technology implemented in cattle breeding and production. Here, we review novel data on cumulus/granulosa cell gene expression, as determined by RNAseq on cellular material from pooled follicular fluids at the single animal level, and relate these finding to previous data on oocyte developmental competence and ultrastructure. The cumulus/granulosa cell gene expression patterns indicate that early follicular atresia is associated with increased blastocyst yield and this hypothesis is supported by previous data on oocyte competence and ultrastructure.


IVP, biomarkers, transcriptomics, granulosa cells, atresia, cattle, oocyte competence.


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