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The implementation of a HACCP system improved the efficiency of a bull semen collection and processing center

Karina Lemos Goularte, Carlos Eduardo Ranquetat Ferreira, Elisângela Mirapalheta Madeira, Eduarda Hallal Duval, Arnaldo Diniz Vieira, Rafael Gianella Mondadori, Thomaz Lucia Jr

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Bull Semen Collection and Processing Centers (SCPC) have satisfactory control of sperm quality, but commonly lack standardized quality control of hygiene procedures. This study assessed the impact of implementing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in a bull SCPC, comparing microbial counts on various steps of semen processing, semen quality and costs across two periods (before and after the HACCP implementation). After surveying all routine activities of the SCPC, control points were identified, preventive measures were designed and corrective actions were employed, whenever necessary. Six months after HACCP implementation, the system was audited and production data covering two similar periods of two consecutive years were compared. Counts of colony forming units in samples collected from artificial vaginas, flexible tubes from the straw filling machine and from fresh and frozen semen after HACCP implementation were lower than during the previous period (P < 0.05). Improved post-thawing sperm motility, membrane integrity and acrosome integrity (P < 0.0001) and reduced rejection of semen batches and frozen doses were observed after HACCP implementation (P < 0.01), resulting in reduced opportunity costs. Thus, the implementation of a HACCP system in a bull SCPC allowed low-cost production of high-quality semen doses with reduced microbial contamination


bull sperm, HACCP, microbial counts, quality control, semen quality.


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