Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
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Influence of racial crossing on testicular structure and spermatogenesis in sheep Santa Inês and crossbred Santa Inês and Dorper

Morgana Santos Araújo, Isac Gabriel Cunha dos Santos, Jean Rodrigues Carvalho, Juanna D’Arc Fonseca Santos, Antônio Francisco da Silva Lisboa Neto, Amilton Cesar dos Santos, Manoel Lopes da Silva Filho, Feliciana Clara Fonseca Machado, Antonio Augusto Nascimento Machado Júnior

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The study aimed at evaluating the testicular structure and spermatogenesis of Santa Inês and Santa Inês and Dorper crossbred sheep. Sixteen testicles of the animals under study were used, in order to evaluate the volumetric proportion, the diameter of the tubules, the height of seminiferous epithelium, the frequency of stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle and the spermatogenic yield. The data were submitted to StudentNewman-Keulstestat 5% significance. The tubular diameter was 173.12 ± 29.09 μm and 185.71 ± 29.7 μm, and the height of the seminiferous epithelium was 52.29 ± 9.98 μm and 56.68 ± 11.25 μm, for the crossbred and the Santa Inês, respectively. There was no difference between the testicular compartments and the frequency of the stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle between the groups. Santa Inês sheep presented a number of 15.36 ± 4.49 spermatocytes in the preleptotene/leptotene stage and 27.42 ± 6.65 spermatocytes in the pachytene, whereas the crossbred presented 13.18 ± 5.19 and 23.48 ± 7.80, respectively. The crossbred showed higher meiotic yield (3.98 ± 1.28) and spermatogenesis yield (3.71 ± 1.02). It is concluded there are differences in testicular morphology and spermatogenesis between Santa Inês sheep and crossbred Dorper/Santa Inês, indicating that the crossbreeding between the Santa Inês and Dorper animals allows a gain in the reproductive potential.


sheep, spermatogenic efficiency, testicles.


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