Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Carotenoids and retinoids in the gonad of brood-stock pikeperch: accumulation during vitellogenesis and influence on egg quality in farmed pikeperch Sander lucioperca

Sven Wuertz; Axel Orban; Fabian Johannes Schaefer; Julia Lynne Overton; Angela Krüger

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Carotenoids are determinants of reproductive fitness and egg quality. Here we studied the accumulation of astaxanthin (AX), canthaxanthin (CA) zeaxanthin (ZX), lutein (LU), retinol (RX) and dehydroretinol (DR) during vitellogenesis comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) eggs (n = 5 each), as well as selected tissues (liver, fat and muscles) in first süawning females (1176-1450 g). Futhermore, we compared egg batches with high (88-99% hatching rate, n = 5) or low (40-67% hatching rate, n= 5) egg quality. Vitellogenic follicles revealed higher concentrations of DR, RX, ZX and LU compared to previtellogenic follicles. Neither CA nor AX was detectable. In parallel, DR and RX were mobilized in the liver. In adipose and muscle tissue, comparing previtellogenic and vitellogenic females, no significant differences in carotenoid/retinoid content were observed. In high quality egg batches, both DR and RX were increased. LU was lower in high quality than in low quality eggs. In a conclusion, the amount of retinoids seems suboptimal in low quality egg batches and increased DR and RX are desirable in pikeperch. Since hypervitaminosis of retinoids can be problematic though, supplementation of the food with carotenoids, which can serve as precursors for retinoids, has to be carried out carefully.


Sander, egg quality, vitellogenesis, retinol, hatching rate


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