Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

From the SBTE President

Flávio Vieira Meirelles

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Dear colleagues,

The last two years were definitively challenging. We needed to adapt, take care of our family, and survive. That is what we did. Our interactions were virtual, but we were always looking forward to the comeback. Now it is time for our “re-union”. Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to our XXXV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology in Foz do Iguaçu.

The SBTE board has been focused on delivering a complete program, considering the quality and number of speakers, and also including innovations such as the Flash Talks and two outstanding pre-symposiums offered in São Paulo-SP.

We received a significant number of high-quality scientific abstracts that will be presented in our meeting and we are sure that it will allow great high-quality discussions.

We want to thank our scientific directors, Fabíola Freitas de Paula Lopes and Rogério Fonseca Guimarães Peres, as well as all the members of the SBTE board, who worked as a fantastic team. They organized an excellent program with renowned speakers, which will enable the discussion of many issues related to embryo technology, ranging from embryo production, fertility, reproductive efficiency strategies, agriculture, and new biotechnologies directed to animal and human health and welfare.

We would also like to thank our speakers who kindly accepted to present and discuss their data, share their time and knowledge, and finally contribute to the success of our meeting.

We acknowledge our increased number of business partners, particularly from the SBTE condominium, for the prompt and important contribution that enabled this year’s high-quality meeting. Also, we thank our funding agencies CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP.

On behalf of our Society, I want to thank all SBTE board members and staff, whose cooperation, dedication, proactivity, and devotion to SBTE made this meeting a reality.

Finally, my sincere and special thanks to all SBTE members and attendees for supporting our Society. You are the reason we gather annually, and we are eager to be reunited with you.

Best regards,

Flávio Vieira Meirelles

SBTE President (2020-2022)

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